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Adolescent Development & Life Factors

There are various developmental stages a child experiences through their life span. These stages start in infancy, continue through childhood, and expand further through adolescence and adulthood. These stages depict elements of typical and atypical developmental levels of psychological growth.

Smiling Teens

Early Adolescence
Ages 12-14

Development of Autonomy

Young Volunteers

Middle Adolescence
Ages 15-17

Establishment of Identity

Female College Students

Late Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Ages 18-21

Development of Future Orientation 


Protective Factors

These factors in your adolescent's life provide a buffer against stressors by enriching the teen's life, which reduces the impact of stress and mental health issues. 

Risk Factors

These factors in an adolescent's life can include stress from school, relationships with peers, and family members. If these stressors are not managed in a healthy manner, this may increase the adolescent's risk in developing mental health concerns.


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