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What Should I Be Concerned About?

Are you concerned about your adolescent? Perhaps you've noticed a difference in their personality as of late?


 If you've noticed changes, we can explore helpful information that may provide you with a better sense of understanding your teenager.



World Health Organization

One in seven 10-19 year olds all over the world experiences a mental health disorder — that’s nearly 13% of all mental health disorders occur in teens and adolescents.

Over half of individuals who experience a mental illness in their lifetime began seeing symptoms before the age of 14.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

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If you are concerned about your adolescent, let's engage them in psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy is an effective treatment for your teenager struggling with mental health concerns. They will learn how to identify their emotions, gain self-awareness, and develop skills to manage stress that  may be contributing to symptoms of depression and anxiety in their lives.  



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Watch the video about teen mental health!

Changes in your adolescent's mood or behaviors may indicate a mental health concern. Please watch these videos to learn more.

Adolescents most commonly experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. Learn about the symptoms of anxiety and depression below, so you can identify if your teen needs help.

If you are concerned about your adolescent's mental health, please consider psychotherapy treatment. 

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